Friday, July 31, 2009

New leaf, 30 days or less

**update** Saturday I overslept and was late to meet a friend. I thought "Oh, I will just run through McD's and grab something." Next thought "Aw CRAP. Stupid 30 day challenge!" :) BUT, I did NOT go through the drive through. Days 1 and 2 are a success. I may need blackout curtains to resist the glow of Sonic for mango limeades during happy hour. 28 more days!

I stumbled on this blog and that blog and it led me to a 30 day challenge.
Due to the extreme neglect my cooking blog has received, and also the Farmer's Market, I am going to do 30 days of no fast food. Nothing with a drive thru or 99 cent value menu. Did I mention that Sonic is within spitting distance of my home? And that I have been in love with their 99 cent burgers all summer? Me, who never EVER ate a tomato or mayo on a burger? Maybe I should go get one last one, since the challenge starts tomorrow. . . nah, might as well start now.
I was already planning a trip to the Farmer's Market tomorrow. My summer has been busy, I haven't made it there since I got kicked out back in May when filming for a project at school. Apparently they are super picky about taking pictures of the non-busyness of early season. And apparently, Senor Crankypants had not taken his organic corn-cob from his backside that morning. Oh well, it was a lesson in assertiveness for my younger sister (who was accompanying me) as I said "well, when security gets here, I guess THEN I will stop filming" and proceeded to do the world's fastest interview.
Anyway, I am following other 30 days participants here and here. Hopefully I've linked up correctly, because we know the odds of finding these new-to-me blogs again are not so likely.
So, want to join in? Tune in tomorrow for some fabulous finds.

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